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作为我们对AACC员工健康和安全承诺的一部分, students, 更大的社区,患者和员工在我们的临床站点附属机构, 所有参加临床试验的员工和学生, 实习或实习在医疗保健或诊所设置在 School of Health Sciences or certain programs in the 继续教育和劳动力发展学院 (见下文常见问题)将被要求全面接种疫苗. This is in accordance with the COVID-19临时政策 and 临床参与者COVID-19疫苗接种暂行程序. 不允许对参加临床的个人进行检测以代替疫苗接种, 除非个人已经要求并获得了住宿.

AACC认识到,有些人可能无法接种COVID-19疫苗. 有健康问题的学生和员工, disability or sincerely held religious beliefs that prevent them from receiving the COVID-19 vaccination may be eligible for an accommodation, depending on the circumstances. 为了被考虑住宿,你必须 submit a request form.

Frequently Asked Questions


Vaccine Mandate

如果我在诊所,疫苗接种方案是什么, 在医疗保健或诊所实习或实习?

从2022年春季学期开始, 所有参加临床试验的员工和学生, 实习或实习在医疗保健或诊所设置在 School of Health Sciences or certain programs in the 继续教育和劳动力发展学院 (CEWD) are required to be fully vaccinated. 不允许对参加临床的个人进行检测以代替疫苗接种, 除非个人已经要求并获得了住宿. 需要接种疫苗的CEWD项目包括:中央无菌处理, Certified Nursing Assistant, 注册临床医疗助理, Certified Medicine Aide, 护士进修或兽医协助. Fieldwork in the Human Services program is not considered a health care or clinic program and is not subject to the vaccine mandate. 学生和员工必须在项目规定的截止日期前提供疫苗接种证明.

除了COVID-19疫苗, 员工和学生必须同意接受临床医生确定的COVID-19检测. Refusal of COVID-19 testing may also result in a student’s inability to progress or successfully complete the program of study and may impact an employee’s employment status.


Students enrolled in a course taking place at a clinical site or employees assigned to work at a clinical site must comply with the site’s policies, procedures, 关于COVID-19疫苗接种和检测的规章制度.

如果你不遵守网站的规定, you may be unable to participate in the course or work at the clinical site and will possibly have to withdraw or fail the course or not be able to meet the essential functions of the employee’s job. 个人可以直接从现场申请豁免或住宿. If granted by the site, AACC will abide by the site’s determination with respect to the site’s rules; however, the site’s determination does not guarantee that AACC will grant an accommodation with respect to its vaccine mandate for clinicals, 在医疗保健或诊所实习或实习.

如果被网站拒绝,个人可能不被允许进入网站. AACC将不考虑对网站规则的豁免或住宿要求. AACC will also not consider student requests to change site locations based on vaccination or testing requirements of the site. 如果员工不去现场就不能完成工作的基本功能, 该员工可能没有资格获得住宿, depending on the circumstances, 哪些因素会影响就业状况.


Yes. AACC和你指定的诊所可能有不同的规则. 为了参加临床试验, 在医疗保健或诊所实习或实习, 个人必须遵守这两项AACC COVID-19 Policy and Procedure and the site’s protocols. AACC不能作出决定,给予住宿或例外的临床现场的规则, 除非诊所以书面形式授权给学院. 临床现场不能决定是否对AACC的协议作出让步或例外. Accordingly, individuals who are seeking an accommodation must make a request to both AACC and to the clinical site and must be granted an accommodation by both in order to participate.


该学院鼓励所有人通过接种增强剂或额外剂量的COVID-19疫苗来保持最新状态. At this time, however, those who are already fully vaccinated against COVID-19 do not need to be vaccinated with a booster or additional dose to comply with the college’s COVID-19 Policy and Procedure. 然而,临床现场可能需要加强剂或额外剂量. 如果有要求,学生或员工必须遵守才能参加. 



School of Health Sciences

Nursing and Practical Nursing 
Scott Olden, assistant dean 

Emergency Medical Services, Medical Laboratory Technician, Medical Lab Assistant, Physical Therapist, Radiologic Technology, 外科技术和静脉切开术
Tina Clark, assistant dean 

Tiffin Bumpass, assistant dean 


All noncredit programs
MaryLou McQuaide, director 


All programs


如果我在诊所,测试规程是什么, 在医疗保健或诊所实习或实习?

该学院不要求进行COVID-19检测, 除非被要求接种疫苗的学生或员工被授予住宿.

员工和学生有责任了解这些政策, procedures, 他们指定的临床地点的规章制度. 一些临床地点可能需要定期或零星检测. 员工和学生必须同意接受由指定的临床地点确定的COVID-19检测. Refusal of COVID-19 testing when required by the clinical site may result in a student’s the inability to progress or successfully complete the program of study and may impact an employee’s employment status.


如果我在诊所,我可以申请住宿吗, 在医疗保健诊所实习或实习?

有健康问题的学生和员工, disability or sincerely held religious beliefs that prevent them from receiving the COVID-19 vaccination may be eligible for an accommodation, depending on the circumstances. 为了被考虑住宿,你必须 submit a request form.

Requests for accommodations must be accompanied by and supported with a medical certification signed by your treating physician, 心理学家或其他有执照的医疗服务提供者. 您将被要求上传以下表格之一,同时填写 accommodation request form

我已获准通融. 我需要每周提交COVID-19检测结果吗?

Yes. If an accommodation is granted, 诊所里的员工和学生, 在医疗保健或诊所实习或实习 will still be required to submit to weekly COVID-19 test results to the college by Wednesday each week. Refusal of COVID-19 testing may result in a student’s inability to progress or successfully complete the program of study or may impact an employee’s employment status.

我的住宿要求被拒绝了. What do I do?

如果学生的住宿要求被拒绝, the student will either need to be fully vaccinated (two weeks after the final dose of the vaccine) prior to the first day of the clinical, 在医疗保健或诊所实习, 或者必须在开课日期之前退课才能获得退款. If the student submitted the request form by the deadline and was not notified of the college’s decision prior to the start date, 学院可能会考虑退款请求. 如果学生不能完成临床测试,他们可能需要从他们的课程中请假, externship or internship.

如果员工的住宿要求被拒绝, 雇员必须在临床开始日期之前完全接种疫苗(在最后一剂疫苗后两周), 在医疗保健或诊所实习. 如果不这样做,可能会导致逐步的纪律处分,直至并包括解雇.


提交住宿申请的目的是向我们提供信息,以便评估您的健康状况。, disability or religious reasons that may prevent you from receiving a COVID-19 vaccine and to determine whether any reasonable accommodations may be necessary. 请注意,住宿不保证, 提供住宿的决定将由学院在互动过程中自行决定. 我们提供住宿的能力取决于许多因素, 包括但不限于你的具体需求, 你的工作或学习的性质和你的安全, our students, our employees and the public, 住宿是否会给学校带来不必要的困难,或对你或他人的安全构成直接威胁.

在住宿申请表被审查和处理后, you will be notified, in writing, 如果住宿被批准或拒绝. 请给学院足够的时间来处理申请(通常为两周)。. 所有决定将发送到您的大学指定的电子邮件地址. 

如果有新的文件和信息,您可以重新申请. 除非住宿被批准,否则你将被要求遵守学院的规定 COVID-19 Policy and Procedure.


You may appeal a decision denying a request for an accommodation by forwarding the decision email to the first level appeal decision-maker listed below within three calendar days of the decision being sent to you. 你必须包括你对该决定提出上诉的原因. If your appeal is not granted, you may appeal that decision by forwarding the appeal decision to the second level appeal-decision maker listed below within three calendar days of the appeal decision being sent to you and include the reasons that you are appealing the decision. 上诉决策者按请求类型列出如下.


Student Religious Appeal


确保您的资料受到保护, 有关您的住宿请求的决定将通过加密方式发送到您的大学电子邮件邮箱. If you choose to appeal, 确保您的信息安全, 将这封加密的电子邮件转发给上面列出的上诉决策者,并包括你上诉的原因. 将出现一个锁定图标,确认电子邮件已加密.

如果您有任何疑问,请与技术服务台联系 or 410-777-4357.

如果我被允许提前一个学期的住宿, 我下学期需要重新申请住宿吗?

是的,如果你获得了住宿,通知将包括到期日. You will need to file a request to recertify any accommodation granted prior to the expiration date for the accommodation to be continued. 重新认证的请求应在有效期前至少两周提交.


Yes, 如果你被拒绝住宿, 如果有新的文件和信息,您可以重新申请. 除非住宿被批准,否则你将被要求遵守学院的规定 Policy and Procedure.


AACC will not consider naturally occurring COVID-19 antibodies as a reason to grant a medical accommodation or medical deferral at this time. 美国疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)建议,即使你已经感染了COVID-19, you should get vaccinated because research has not yet shown how long you may be protected after you recover and vaccination helps protect you even if you’ve already had COVID-19. A number of studies have shown that individuals who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 may be better protected against future infections than those individuals who were previously infected with COVID-19.

虽然围绕COVID-19感染诱导的免疫和自然产生的抗体的科学正在发展, there is not enough evidence for the college to consider infection-induced immunity or naturally occurring antibodies as sufficient to reduce exposure to, or reinfection from, COVID-19. Studies have found that many individuals who were previously infected with COVID-19 have not acquired effective immunity to COVID-19 and when individuals do acquire some level of protection, 有证据表明,防护水平可能取决于个人感染的严重程度.

While some studies have indicated that infection-induced immunity may provide a significant level of protection against reinfection, these studies suffer from methodological limitations that make those studies inconclusive regarding the level of immunity from having previously had COVID-19. 科学证据尚未对保护程度提供合理程度的确定性, if any, 从先前的感染中提供给特定个体的. Accordingly, 学院不会将先前感染视为免予学院审查的依据 COVID-19 Policy and Procedure. AACC在做出这一决定时还咨询了安妮阿伦德尔县卫生局.


有健康问题的学生和员工, disability or sincerely held religious beliefs that prevent them from receiving the COVID-19 vaccination may be eligible for an accommodation. 申请医务室住宿, 在医疗保健或诊所实习或实习.

COVID-19 Information
